ABC AmbaTV Vision & Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Our Vision

The vision of the Ambazonian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Amba TV is to be a high-executing, commercially sustainable, digitised national and international public broadcaster that provides undaunted compelling, informative, educational and entertaining content via all available platforms with excellence.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be the Voice Of The Voiceless - Voice of Ambazonia - "We The People", informing, awakening, educating, entertaining, enlightening and empowering the Ambazonian people towards the total Restoration of Independence, and the attainment of Sovereign Statehood in the great task and believe that we deserve a place in the world of excellence and greatness.

To be the main Advocacy arm of the Interim Government of Ambazonia, by engaging the international community, friends of Ambazonia, stakeholders, and sympathizers towards recognition of Ambazonia's fundamental right of Self Determination under international law.

Our Values

We endeavor to uphold the highest standards in journalistic practices, by making sure that we provide our audience the most credible news, educational and entertainment services.


ABC AmbaTV is committed to achieving accuracy, integrity and objectivity in its reporting, making sure that we present only the truth to our audience.

Our Values

+ Adopting the best in journalistic practices

+ Making sure that we provide important news

+ Continuously seeking and reporting the truth

+ Updating our audience of false information

+ Avoiding technological manipulation, propaganda, distortion and careless reporting

+ Checking and cross checking our sources and facts before coming out with a news report

+ Promptly correcting news errors when discovered

+ Making sure that our stories are based on evidence, and that our sources are properly vetted


Though being a revolutionary news channel for the people of Ambazonia, objectivity is critical in our work, so that we can provide the most balanced news coverage to the public. By providing neutral and unbiased reporting based on the most accurate information, we will build trust with the Ambazonian people, our global partners, friends and sympathizers.

The objectives of the Corporation are to: ensure access of its services to all citizens to all citizens throughout the country; inform, educate and entertain; make services available in all official languages; reflect both the unity and diversity of the cultural and multilingual nature of Ambazonia, its Counties, Local government areas and audiences; provide programming for children, women, youth and people with disabilities; broadcast national, international developmental and minority sports; develop talent and showcase Ambazonian content; and provide independent news of a high quality.


At ABC AmbaTV, Integrity is at the heart of everything we do. The Ambazonian struggle for Self Determination and Sovereign Statehood is based on justice and sound historical facts, reflecting our sterling values as a people. Integrity, fairness and objectivity are therefore the guiding principles of our vaunted news organization