Why The Chris Anu Led Coup Against Dr. Sako Failed.


The ultimate design by the failed coup plotter was made known too early and so quickly in their scheme, despite not having the means to accomplish it. Chris Anu's impulsive character made it impossible to conceal or disguise the plot in a more congenial and procedural manner which would have induced intellectuals & opinion holders in the Liberation Struggle to consider joining. They let out their joker so easily that they had nothing else except to suffer ceaseless public rebukes and ridicule which scared potential allies, 

The most vital organ of state for official information and control of public narrative was left out in their calculations. Perhaps their greatest blunder in the scheme of things; Chris Anu instead abandoned ABC AMBA TV to a private platforms which bore no legitimacy and authority. If he had taken control of ABC AMBA TV or stayed on while everything played out, they may have had better chance of success or leveraging power. 

The leaders of the failed coup were the most controversial and insecured characters amongst leaders of the Liberation Struggle, with already damaging allegations of financial graft. Having failed to swiftly removed the President, everyone and everything they got had to be weighed, tested and scrutinized in public. It was noticeable that the men of integrity in the Interim Gov't cabinet were still loyal to President Samuel Sako, like Prof Ayim, Comrade Kenjang Anderson Kajang, Afrikan King (Dr Tita) etc . So, support by the other cabinet members including the choice of VP Eric Ateh, New Sec of Communication & IT & DOS made the difference,

Time was the major killer of the coup attempt; even after making their intentions known, they took so long to strike thus given goodwill Ambazonians sufficient time to understand the issues and rise up against the plot. They ought to have summoned extraordinary session and removed President Samuel Sako before selling the crucial circumstances and necessity of change to the public. But, they went in cycles attacking supporters of the President and taking bruises from insults aimed at them without knowing what next to do, 

The attempt to remove President Samuel Sako lived on emotional intoxication of the hour, with high nodes of stupidity and shows of recklessness. The high sounding nodes of chaos was invitation for low minded creatures to empty their naivety on the drug of anxiety. It was nearly a drug of necessity but the intoxication was in little supply and diminished so quickly as the coup plotters changed their approach trying to convince the public of their sanity in the defense of themselves against each scandal. Here, momentum was lost as the OPIUM dwindled in effect. 

The coup plotters were made of a mixture of few individuals who would not be dragged to open field or mud to justify their desire for leadership change and others whose mongering for power gave them an evil complexion. While they all wanted leadership change they had reservations about each other's motive and the likely direction afterwards, thus making their association exposed and vulnerable to attack. Each scandal about the faces of evil created distance between them and the seemingly unwilling associates. Without a solid bond they were deprived of stronger resolution and could not go far enough in their evil design. 

The failed coup depended on the compromise of individuals who were not "friends" prior to the "conspiracy of the willing". To succeed in Acts of evil of such magnitude requires stronger bonds and individuals who share a common background. But here it was a case of those who saw opportunity in possibility and thought events favored their disposition. There was that friendship of convenience rather than an evil arc sworn to the outcome of vow. To take the next step required so much talking, convincing and persuasion than predisposed belief or conviction. 

Upon noticing the failure by his contacts who could not deliver on a $135,000 USD Chris Anu began propagating the end of President's Samuel Sako's mandate hoping to escape retributions. The desire to escape retributions was allowed to weigh heavily on Chris Anu's intentions such that the more incentivized operations or enterprise for power eluded his calculations. In fact, his commitments were that of a fugitive desperately seeking a save haven in chaos than someone aiming for the kill. 

When the coup plotters encountered much resistance and rejection noticing cracks in their ranks they threw everything on a familiar subject (embezzlement) which President Samuel Sako was more of a victim in public view. In fact, because one of the previous failed attempts to remove President Samuel Sako was embezzlement of MTTB which accountability exonerated him of wrongdoings, the coup plotters came too familiar in tune. 

The coup plotters depended greatly on the defunct Restoration Council Chair, KOMETA Elvis who thought he finally had the trump card to fulfill a revenge and get rid of his nemesis (President Samuel Sako), but he went blindly ignoring the vast leverage of his adversary. He at first doubted himself causing costly delays and when he moved to actions he took all the wrong steps, thus fitting the profile and agenda of the coup plotters. He was then ambushed by a wity and intelligent President Samuel Sako who quickly convene APP and covenanted his fate with the vote of conscience against the Restoration Council. 

When an initially hesitant KOMETA Elvis showed up amongst the Coup plotters he did, perhaps, the most thoughtless thing in battle; he decided to play dirty without respect for rules which could have favoured his design. He recklessly went on with flagrant violations of the Interim Constitution hoping to box President Samuel Sako and disarmed him of his Executive Powers, but what he did instead had an opposite effect as he ventured into lawlessness. The relationship between him KOMETA Elvis as then RC chair and President Samuel Sako was guided by the Interim Constitution and for anyone to set the constitution aside or been ignorant of the Constitution was grave mistake. Without rules of fairness, such a move concluded KOMETA's fate as his actions & intentions became common knowledge. He lost the advantage of rules which his actions annulled and thus legitimized the use of all weapons available to the waring parties. In effect, it became survival for the smartest, swiftest and biggest. President Samuel Sako was wity and larger than their conbined influence and emotional dictates. 

The infamous coup leader, Chris Anu, had recklessly made too many enemies that he was left with no outside voice of integrity who could endorse his evil intentions and quest for power. At his most unsecured moments, his past victims joined on the side of President Samuel Sako thus costing him valuable resources and exposing him from attacks at will from different directions. Even when he tried to sell the coup, he had to eat his pestilential stew like a dog being hosted by pro French Cameroons platforms. He had limited options and coarser maneuverability at his most desperate hour. In fact, his appearance on these platforms further demystify his voice as he used too much energy trying to impress the audience with sound bites having lost substance. 

《13•》THE COMODIN IN THE FORM OF COMRADE Tarh Paddy King & Paul Nillong,
Comrade Don Wan-Obi once wrote that "each time a new talent is displayed, it means an ancestor is borne to fulfill a regret". Chris Anu's fall saw the rise of the scintillating Trailblazer Paddy King whose mastery of the alphabet seems to reveal someone chosen by the gods to punish those from a lineage of betrayal. Chris Anu has betrayed many and his departure from ABC AMBA TV was opportunity to those who had endured his curse of character and indelicate Constitution. Comrade Paddy not only recalled memories of Eric Tataw at his very best, but also showed depth and command of his subject as did Comrade Paul Nillong in his fierce defense of the Interim Gov't Leadership. 

The Ambazonian people have played host to all kinds of betraying tendencies and power mongers who invoked verses from the Bible and Hell, so there was alarm and hardly any surprises. The people took their chances with President Samuel Sako whom they know too well against individuals whose best efforts drew quite a memorable and disgusting resemblance/similarities with those who have failed in previous attempts. Ambazonians want change and they'll take it from anyone, but not without seeing evidence that proves them right. The coup plotters had nothing to offer the people to make them fall upon, instead their blunders was a source of shame and embarrassment. They thought the people were frustrated enough to play along, but such is the misgivings and miscalculations of those who failed to stand before the mirror presenting themselves to ballot boxes. 

When it became clear that President Samuel Sako had to fight for his survival and legacy against those who over rated themselves. He identified Chris Anu's erratic character and impulsive nature as a platform to launch stratagem. He said, all that's needed to be done is to put information where Chris Anu will take it and blow out of proportion or sit upon for the amusement and display of his talent while the news take effect. That way, he would ferry the message to the heart of his followers and cause mixed feelings while authenticating the information in his public announcement. To undo Chris Anu in this regards, President Samuel Sako issued him a notice of dismissal and the very Chris Anu went public with it in repetitive shows, forcing the defunct RC Chair to blatantly violate the Interim Constitution in denying the President's power. President Samuel Sako distilled their Energy for his Executive pleasure. At the time of saking Chris Anu, there was hardly anyone who could have made the announcement at ABC AMBA TV to the effect as him Chris Anu did at his new private platform. 

Lacking the means and with no established networks, the coup plotters began seizing platforms and changing the names. This outrageous actions on the eyes of the public made them lost the moral ground to President Samuel Sako. While the President was seen as the builder they earned a sordid reputation as thieves and conmen. 

Chris Anu, having failed to get Empress Irene Ngwa fired, rallied ladies around President Samuel Sako  who was praised as defender of the feminine pride and hero of the women race. But indeed, President Samuel Sako was correcting a mistake who not doing enough when Chris Anu's unprofessional character and insecurity made Empress Keng Clister  to resign her position as Director of ABC AMBA TV. Chris Anu previous failures in his private ventures attracted misfortune to himself and infected others with this misery.

The revolutionary grace extended a courtesy to President Samuel Sako which made all the difference at such a time with unquestionably revelations which further damaged the Coup plotters. 
Comrade Don Wan-Obi