Awing Indigenes Rehabilitate All Village Roads

Self reliance and determination are the qualities embedded in Ambazonians. The quest for autonomy from La Republique du CameroUn imperialism is a genuine claim not only to restore Southern Cameroons to her initial status, but equally for Ambazonians to better put to use their potentials. LRC has killed the economy of Southern Cameroons, polluted the culture of the people of Southern Cameroons, destroyed the educational sector and paralyzed many other sectors. But what they have been unable to do is kill the Ambazonian spirit. The New year is still Fresh, and so I can still say Happy New year. Hope you had a fabulous festive season.

It is this spirit inspiring and encouraging the sons and daughters of Awing to make living better for themselves despite all attempts of the colonial LRC authorities to make things hard for them. When people come together, what on earth can limit them? Various roads in Awing village are presently experiencing rehabilitation thanks to their self-reliance development association baptized NACDA. NACDA, Ndong Awing Cultural Development Association created in 1962 has been the main driving force in the community of Awing and sons and daughters of the village unanimously contribute for the betterment of their Community through it. For the past years, focus has been on providing water and good roads to the village due to its hilly nature and all this has been going on smoothly thanks to the unity that reign among the people of Awing

The various roads in the village are presently in good condition and work is gradually going on and hopefully all the roads will be touched. The president of the association, Christian Tanyi, salutes villagers for being development welcomers. Where there’s a road, there is development. Reasons why, the president of NACDA asked Awing people in their last annual general meeting not to get angry if their land is used during the process. Villagers and especially youths have been called to register in the self-reliance development association, participate in village projects in order to boast good life in their native land. Such development will ease economic activities like trading, farming in the Community. This initiative is coming at a time when the colonial LRC government has abandoned the construction and Rehabilitation of farm to market roads.