First 21 Gun-salute to our ARFs and the Bafut7kata in particular, for their extraordinary bravery in eliminating LRC thugs who dared cross our borders last week.

Dear Ambazonians and the International Community.

Last week, LRC thru the leader of the genocidal war Dictator Paul Biya officially announced its animosity towards peace by rejecting the Swiss-led process. This overt show of cowardice has once again revealed to the world, the hidden agenda of a cultic regime that is a threat to regional peace and in direct conflict with the norms and standards of civilized nations.

While serving as a proxy for France in the Gulf of Guinea and feeling empowered by a UN Security Council member - France, LRC now mocks the 995th UN General Assembly that voted for a Cameroons Federation on April 21st, 1961. LRC is making it clear that she (LRC) will continue to use blistering violence and propaganda under cover by France, to annex the former UN Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons, regardless of the wishes of the people there for Independence from a failed federation. Currently, France taxes all exports from the Southern Cameroons by 50% despite the absence of any ratified treaty with the People of Southern Cameroons.

The Swiss-led Process was an opportunity that was given to LRC by the international community and stakeholders to embrace the path of mediation instead of war to establish lasting peace and justice in collaboration with guarantors. But what LRC has done is spit on their face. They did not only reject all their counsel they also rejected the opportunity. LRC is seeking her own bloody experience by sacrificing the lives of its military and civilians in Ambazonia.

Competitive dialogue and mediation are not in the nature of LRC; they’ve always rejected dialogue. All LRC knows is brutality and that’s how they want to solve all their problems. In short, it is their extermination agenda that they declared to the Swiss. In essence LRC position is as follows: Don’t expect us to the table; we don’t know how to talk. We are not willing to talk; we have just been deceiving you for two and half years. What LRC has decided to do is to exterminate the Southern Cameroons people, force them to surrender so that they can establish control over them forever.

The other LRC tactic is trying to go around the table instead of coming to the table. In short, they are trying to go around the compound instead of coming in through the door. That door is by direct official negotiations between the two sides. We were two states of equal status. Those two states of equal status have a problem today. And therefore, the two states of equal status will sit down to solve the problem between the two states of equal status. That’s exactly what LRC is rejecting and is going around the table to allude to the fact that they are trying to talk to Ambazonians not because of equality.

That’s absolute nonsense. LRC is trying to reach out to Ambazonians and talk to them informally as the only state actor talking to its subjects informally instead of reaching out to Ambazonians formally through the formal process that the international community has prescribed. So any other arrangement LRC is trying to forge which is not going to be what the international community prescribes is an informal arrangement.

These are people who don’t want to talk anything and be engaged by the agreements on the table. Because when you meet informally, whatever you discuss is informal and has NO FORCE OF LAW. But when they come to the table to meet us as the other parties in a mediated platform, that agreement is enforceable because there are guarantors. The UN will be informed of that agreement, the other interested stakeholders will be informed of the agreement and the agreement will have the force of law. It has endorsement by the international community. All parties will go back feeling they have agreed on something. LRC is seeking to talk to people in beer parlors, meet others in bedrooms, and go around the world saying they are having dialogue with Ambazonians. And leaders engaged in informal talks with LRC do not have Ambazonians at heart.

LRC has refused to learn by instruction but will learn by bitter experience. We shall never give up our right to break free from a failed federation and shall resist until the last man standing.

Short Live the Revolution

Long Live the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.