Analysis of the President's Speech

The President Dr. Samuel IKOME SAKO

During the Federal draft, Appreciated everyone supporting, Praying, and drafting for the freedom of AMBAZONIA and as usual, a minute silence was observed and taken for all our fallen heroes. The PRESIDENT SAID THAT WE are in a season where we must all be strategic, he said Our Core Enemies had doubled down efforts to take is down but we must all be resilient. The truth is This agents of LRC has made our more challenging. The sabotage has made our journey more difficult because they believe they are in a fight with Dr. Sako.

For that reason, We want to give more resources more into the struggle .

Dr Sako, used the opportunity to chip in the Indictments of our comrades arrested in the US as well. Because The Enemy LRC has taken up Vuvuzelas to celebrate even when the trials of our comrades has not even started. We must not that In every disappointment there is an appointment , the verdict may be the appointment we have been longing for. This is an opportunity for us to export the horrendous crime Paul Biya has been commiting on our people. Another point Dr Sako mentioned is that Some people Called for another protest.

But He thinks that we should opt for a smarter way to air our thought , because l the world is not moved by pity but by interest .But think about it Marching to Washington DC is not the ideal thing but matching to Cansas where three of out comrade's are , is the most important.