In-house Slaves Councilors Pay A Blind Eye To Garbage In Bamenda

Bamenda has become a warehouse for Garbage. The Inhabitants of Bamenda cry out as Garbage surrounds the whole environment and is like a new decoration at road junctions. The local authority in the name of so-called Municipal Councillors have successfully ignored the ongoing cabbage piled up in the environment of Bamenda. The mobilization towards the charade called Senatorial Elections could have better been used for the interest of the common man by just clearing the refuge at the different road junctions in Bamenda.

It is no doubt the duty of these Councilors is to spearhead the development of their different localities of which waste management is one. But there is nowhere to be found. To the build-up of the banned Senatorial election in Ambazonia, we see these Councilors being lodged in expensive hotels for about a week lavishing taxpayers' money, and those they were to protect are left with the pungent smell from the Garbage heaps around. This is evident because the colonial LRC cares for the welfare of the people of Southern Cameroons, Ambazonia.

Else, why are they only seen around only during elections?

As the Inhabitants of Bamenda on March 12, 2023 took upon themselves to remain indoors in disagreement to the charade called Senatorial Elections in Ambaland, UNDAUNTED decided to parade the streets of Bamenda for observation. What was conspicuous was the heaps of garbage at all round junctions. These heaps have been piling for more than a month in some areas like, the Ntarinkon Market area, the entrance to Behind Che from Brasserie junction, Azire Old Church junction and La Chance bridge just to name but these few.

The garbage heaps have grown into the roads obstructing circulation. Yet what the colonial authorities in Ambazonia chose to do is to spend huge sums of money on Councillors for doing nothing just because they form the electoral college. The charade called Senatorial Elections have come and gone, with the big wigs of different political parties gone back to their refugee camp, Yaounde the colonial political capital of LRC, leaving Ambazonians to leak their wounds.

Yet, with all these actions that are evident that to LRC Ambazonians are second class citizens, some Ambazonians for selfish reasons have decided to take side with the enemy forgetting the sufferings of their brothers and sisters. There is hope on the horizon with the recently announced war draft by the IG, as in the nearest future Ambazonia will be free from the hooks of the LRC for good.