The Ambazonia Liberation Fighters are bent on pushing the colonial LRC terrorist military out of the territorial boundaries of Southern Cameroons. This fierce resistance has been yielding fruits in the different Counties in Ambazonia.To many LRC terrorist forces, the Republic of Ambazonia has been a land of no return to them, while others are nursing wounds sustained from the bullets of the Ambazonian liberation fighters, and some are eternally handicapped. With all these casualties, the chief of LRC colonial arm force Paul Biya is still not willing to call for a ceasefire.

Paul Biya is adamant about refraining from a military option to resolve the ongoing conflict in Southern Cameroons. Despite the deployment of the terrorist LRC forces to Ambazonia, the Ambazonian liberation fighters are very ready to wipe them off the promised land. It is in the line the Amba General Fear No Soul of Ndu is sending a sounding warning to Paul Biya. Is it easy for a man to be defeated in his backyard?

Ambazonia Liberation fighters are benefiting from all the home advantages in the conflict. The Ambazonian General of Ndu has sent a message promising doom for Paul Biya in the days ahead. General Fear No Soul made the statement in a video in circulation. In the video, the Amba General is certain that nothing and no man will stop the frontline fighters from reaching Buea, the Capital of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia. General Fear No Soul cautions other Amba fighters to be vigilant at night as the colonial LRC military has strategized to attack Ambazonia fighters' camps at unholy hours at night. That no fighter should sleep at night but awake to be ready for any move of the colonial La Republique du Cameroun terrorist forces.

The thugs should be conditioned to attack only during the day when they will be well taken care of. To Paul Biya, the General makes it clear that before the wish of the LRC to kill all Ambazonians, the land must have been freed. That no Amba can ever surrender. For Biya to succeed, he must have spilled the last blood. An act that is an impossibility.Given that LRC has resorted to the use of explosives against the Ambazonian liberation fighters, General Fear No Soul assures Biya that in Ndu, bombs have no impact as General Fear No Soul will be the first General in Ambazonia to trap bombs in the air.

Here is the complete message from General Fear No Soul to Paul Biya captured in this video